Game Based Learning
z.B. Socrative, Leanringapps, Quizlet, Mentimeter,... Speziell für CLIL:
1) Was ist Ihre beste Stunde? Warum?
2) Einführung Kaufvertrag
3) Finanzbildung Eurologisch
Übungsbeispiel L 1.2. (Lehrbuch RW I)
Der Unternehmer H. Albrecht betreibt einen Fachhandel für Elektrowaren. Folgend Informationen stehen für den Finanzplan für das 3. Quartal (in Euro) zur Verfügung:
Personalausgaben 82.250,00; Zinserträge von der Bank 3.800,00; Zinszahlungen für Kredite 3.350,00; Miete inkl. Betriebs- und Energiekosten 10.650,00; Ausgaben für Wareneinkäufe 105.500,00; Erlöse aus Warenverkäufen 212.500,00; verschiedene Reparaturen 3.450,00; Werbung 4.450,00; KFZ Kosten inkl. Versicherung 7.450,00; Provisionserträge 17.750,00; sonstige Aufwendungen 2.500,00;
Der Finanzmittelbestand betrug am Ende des 2. Quartals 7.750,00; Der Zielwert für das Ende des 3. Quartals ist 9.500,00;
Wenn sich ein Fehlbetrag ergibt, soll dieser je zur Hälfte aus Privateinlagen und eine Aufstockung des Kredites erfolgen.
Wenn sich ein Überschuss ergibt, so soll dieser bis zu einem Betrag von 5.000,00 EUR zur Kreditrückzahlung verwendet werden. Den Rest kann der Unternehmer privat entnehmen.
Aufgaben: Erstellen Sie den Finanzplan (Format siehe Lehrbeispiel), und berücksichtigen Sie auch jeweiligen Maßnahmen.
Team Task:
6 Groups: Each group writes 2-5 sentences ... text for a tutorial video...
Group 1: Into
Group 2: What is a budget?
Group 3: How to prepare a budget?
Group 4: What to do with a gap or a surplus?
Group 5: Practical importance of budgets.
Group 6: Case L 1.2
Task: Financial Planning at Natalia Movie (Entrepreneur)
The entrepreneur Natalija Jovié runs a boutique in Innsbruck and prepares for the a financial plan for the 2nd quarter (April to June) based on the following data (all amounts in €):
Revenues: Sales of goods: 161.500,00, Interest income: 1.850,00
Expenses: Purchases of goods: 75.700,00, Personnel expenses: 67850 00; Rent incl. operating and energy costs 10.950,00; Renovation of buildings 2.200,00; Vehicle costs: 5.550,00; Insurances: 4.400,00; Advertising: 3.500,00; Interest payments: 2.850,00; Other expenses: 4.500,00;
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 1st quarter amounted to 3.450,00.At the end of the 2. quarter it should amount to 4.300,00.
If a financial need arises from the financial planning, this can be compensated by private deposits and / or a credit increase be balanced.
A surplus is to be used first for the repayment of a loan (max. 5.000,00). The remaining amount can be freely disposed of.
a) Enter the income and expenses in the finance plan.
b) Form the sums of the incomes and the expenditures.
c) Determine the cash requirements or surplus for the second quarter.
d) Make the appropriate adjustments
Anwendungen Learningapps und Finanzpläne bis Einnahmen- Ausgabenrechnung
Finanzplan - Pferderennen
Finanzplan - Arbeiten mit Lernvideos
Einnahmen- Ausgabenrechnung
Umsatz- oder Vorsteuer bei Gebrauchtwagen Eddie
Umsatzsteuer in Österreich
... now this worksheet is private ... Studies/U81O58-production-possibilities-curve
Task 1 / Individual Task: PPC and Worksheet on Wizer me
1) Describe the PPC in a short paragraph using all important terms.
2) Work on the following worksheet ... (
Circular Flow Model ... Paul Samuelsson
Task 2: 5 Facts on the Lancet article
Find 5 Facts and note them on a sheet of papter ... (hand this in on MS Teams)
and compare with you neighbour.
What are the differences?
Who is Cate Raworth?
What are the most important publications?
George Monibot (Guardian) calls her ...?
What is the Holocene? What is the Anthropocene?
Name the key events in human history?
When it is significantly colder, what happens to sea levels?
What are ice cores?
What are the 9 planetary boundaries according to Rockström et al? ... and why?
Where did we go beyond the the environmental ceiling in 2009?
What happened until 2017?
1) Estimate the short comings: How many do not have enough in each category? Which areas are the best/worst?
2) How much would it take to get them to the minimum levels?
1) Explain Donut Economics in a short paragraph.
1) Go to the website regarding the great acceleration and interpret the charts and its consequences (W. Steffen)
1) Explore some real life examples of places engaging with the Doughnut and tell 3 stories of your own choice.
Task 3 Group Assignment
Group 1
1) Draw the Circular Flow Model ... go to 13:10 of the Video below (Why it's time...) and adjust it according to K. Raworth's instructions.
2) Compare to the below Model
3) Write a short paragraph, where you describe your adjusted Circular Flow Model
4) Hand the Assignment in on MS Teams.
Group 2
1) Draw the Market Model and describe it (law of demand & supply).
2) On a 2nd page draw the model of the Embedded Economy and describe it. (Video below)
3) Hand the Assignment in on MS Teams
A) What can you do?
Where is an area near you school / river, where you can do a clean up?
How can I contact you?
Ergebnisse bitte senden an:
Analysis of an annual report
Group of 2
A) Analysis of the issues at JLR
1) Analyse Jaguar's Annual Report 2019: Balance sheet and its profit & loss statement.
2) Summarise the key findings.
3) Do a research about the companies current position & write a short story (Word)
4) Create a short Video.
5) How has the situation changed in 2021?
B) Analysis of any other firm in troubles
Was sind die Kernfragen...
Gruppeneinteilung und ein erster Zugang...
In 4er Teams ... entwickeln Sie einen Gruppenarbeitsauftrag zur Bearbeitung des Signa Fallbeispiels in einer Klasse: