How to write a blog post? Sem I

How to create your own website?

Media Literacy

Introduction: What is media? Medialiteracy? Media Messages? Effects? Incoding and Decoding,

Printing, Books, News Paper, Yellow Press

TV, Media Theory Marshal MacLuhan, 

Mind reactions to media, Schema, How does the brain work? False Memory, Creation and changes of Information, Confirmation bias, Information satisficer, stories are sense making tools,

Media & Money, Money has impact on media, Media is constructed, Creators make decisions when construct media, Choices effect consumer, Why is media made (advertising, movies, ...)? What is the purpose & focus (representation, stereotype, diversity)? 

How advertising can change your mind ... Influence & persuation, Advertising, Public Relations and Propaganda

Edward Benrays - Cristalizing public opinion, Abraham Maslow needs combined with ... advertising,

security system ... safety, slogan ... because you worth it...

Authority, Likability, Consistency, Consensus, Scarce, Emotions, False dilemma, Red herring, Traditional wisdom, 

Traditional advertising versus Online advertising, Digitalization and Internet, Links, Klicks, Web Cookies, Addressable targeting, IP Address, 

T&C, Terms of Service,... Accept, Instagram, Selling Information to 3rd parties, ...forreign influencers, ...recommendation engines, sponsored content ... identification, when something is free ... you are the product, nothing goes away online, 

Media ownership: Disney, Comcast, News Corp., Hearst, Viacom, CBS, Fox, AT&T, Bell 

Walled garden, Antitrust, Monopolies, Tec Companies, 

Media policy and you: rules for media consumers, copyrights, fair use, not for commercial purposes, public domain, digital millenium copyright act, sexting, bulling, online privacy,  

Dark(er) side of media: propaganda, disinformation, misinformation, (vs public relations, campaigns, advertising)

propaganda ...  change behaviour, opinions, ... (usually associated with bad habits,...)

disinformation ... confuse and distract, mislead, ... confusing the facts, US elections 2016, Bejing 1998,

misinformation ... unintentionally falls information, errors, ...

bad information can lead to bad decisions


Media skills: 

Media literacy: ability to access, analyse, evaluate, create and act ... using all forms of communication

access: Youtube, Internet, money, ... UN ... basic human right

analyse: locating highest quality content, media is constructed, 5 questions:

 who created, what is purpose,

 what techniques does it use,

 what life stiles does it represent,

 how might different people interpret the message,

 what is left out?

evaluate: 4 things to look: relevance, accuracy, bias (someone's perspective), reliability,

create: make posts, create website, create podcast,...

act: on the skills of media literacy, 

How Media skills will change in future: literacies of the future

virtual reality, video photoshopping, 

 data literacy: big data, raw data, ... data matters in context, 

 algorithmic literacy, sets of instructions for computers to run, bubbles, 

 skepticism: approaching everything by questioning the truth 

Media and society

Unsere Welt in 50 Jahren

International relations - intercultural communication

Critical Thinking - basics

History of propaganda: Edward Bernays

Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.3 MB

What is critical thinking? What is an argument? What is the difference between deductive and ampliative arguments?

Creative problem solving - basic


Quantenphysik - Doppelspalt Experiment


1) Chose 1 Idea ... How to repair the future and make a short presentation...



2) Chose 1 SDG and develop an idea to solve it ... using MINT subjects. Create a short video about your solution.